Love this scene, a "security guard" getting hogtied on TV. How often do you seen this on TV. I know that the ideal thing would be having a real security guard hogtied, and this is the bad guy dressed as a security guard. But he's in full uniform, so still a hot scene nevertheless. So here on this episode, one of the bad guys took place of the real security guard. Then MacGyver did something to get the attention of the fake guard, the fake guard got knocked out. So then Macgyver being Macgyver, he's trying to find something to tied the guard with. He cut a piece of cable from the lamp, but this is the priceless part, when he flipped the guard over to tie his hands behind his back, he saw the handcuffs on the handcuff pouch on the guard's belt, and he had this look on is face, and decided to use the handcuffs on the guards hands, and use the cable for tying the guard's ankles and make it a full hogtie.....just one thing missing...the gag. But oh well, a hot scene still..
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