Monday, December 10, 2018

Migrating Content

Hi there,

I have decided to move all of my content to:

Check it out! I feel like it's more robust and has a lot of room for expansion. Hope you'll follow me there.


Saturday, October 6, 2018

Hurricane Heist

In a attempt for a heist on this federal facility, the bad guys needed to take over the facility guarded by soldiers. Love the commitment from the main bad guy not to kill anyone (he even said so in the movie - this should happen more often, it's hotter haha). But the soldier guards were taken down one by one, this this high tech tranquilizer/electrifying bullet. Once they're incapacitate, they're ziptied, and locked in a caged area. What's missing is the gag, but I guess what's the point, they've taken the entire facility, and there's a hurricane going out outside, noone can hear them. Some hot taking down action, especially love the acting of being shot!

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Slasher - Season 1

I'm starting to like Steve Byers if he's going to be playing more the roles of tied men in uniform. In this "gorier than I like" Netflix series. He plays the role of Hunky Officer Cam Henry. He got jumped on, disarmed, and forced to cuff himself to the radiator. He also had his radio taken so he couldn't call for help, so he's trying to reach for his radio with his foot, which is kinda hot to watch.

And here are some of him tied and tape gagged in Gridlocked